[ إضاءات ]

"من علمني حرفا... صرت به حرا" أستاذي سيف الدين .....| | | | |..... "هناك فرق بين أن تكون عالما، وأن تكون إنسانا" كولن .....| | | | |..... "إن الدعاة اليوم لا يفتقرون إلي الإخلاص... وإنما في كثير من الأحيان إلي الحكمة" أستاذتي هبة .....| | | | |..... "الاجتهاد مبدأ الحركة في الإسلام" محمد إقبال .....| | | | |..... "الطاقة الإبداعية بحد ذاتها مطلب شرعي ومقصد إيماني‏" فالإبداع "صنو الاجتهاد، ورديف له، من الصعب أن ينفك أي منهما عن الآخر" طه جابر العلواني .....| | | | |..... "ولا تزال الدنيا عامرة وديار المسلمين في سلام ما أخبتت النفوس وهبطت ساجدة تردد: "رب زدني علما" محمد أحمد الراشد .....| | | | |..... السياسة ما كان من الأفعال بحيث يكون الناس به أقرب إلى الصلاح وأبعد عن الفساد، وإن لم يشرعه الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- ولا نزل به وحي، فإن أردت بقولك: لا سياسة إلا ما وافق الشرع: أي لم يخالف ما نطق به الشرع فصحيح، وإن أردت ما نطق به الشرع فغلط وتغليط للصحابة" الإمام ابن عقيل الحنبلي .....| | | | |..... "طلب الحرية مقدم علي تطبيق الشريعة... تقديم ترتيب، لا تقديم تفضيل" فهمي هويدي .....| | | | |..... "الإنسان المعاصر إنسان ذو بعد واحد، فاقد الهوية، وصاحب نزعة استهلاكية، وقليل الحساسية تجاه الغير، ويعاني عزلة وضياعا، وهو أسير المرحلة الراهنة، والسرعة الفائقة، والوقائع السريعة الكفيلة بأن تُنسيه ما قبلها، وتتركه يتحفّز لما بعدها" مدرسة فرانكفورت .....| | | | |.....

الأربعاء، ربيع الآخر ٠٨، ١٤٢٨

!I sAw EgYpT…They SAWed eGyPt

Last week, I passed through an extraordinary experience, at least, as I guess!

Me and my honorable mother were buying some furniture and other stuff; for her center, MCFC: My Creative Family Center -we may talk about its story later-…

We got a truck; to transport what we've bought to The Center… Here, our story begins!

There were only two seats in the truck: one for the driver, and one for whoever rents it. So, mamma told me that I will have to make the ride with the driver, she'll take a taxi, and we shall meet at The Center.

Unexpectedly, and in a way that really suits a crazy genius guy -that is me!-, I suggested that we -me and mammy- can join the driver, togther! She: on the empty seat, & Me: at the back of the truck, beside the purchases!

After some controversial debates, and many questions about the truck's safety and comfort, ma finally approved!
In the beginning, I felt nothing, except my body was sun-tanned, my head was full of headaches, and I were about to belive that Egyptians think that cars run by horns!
I began to get bored and to blame myself for this stupid idea.

After a while, I tried to interact positively… "You've to think beyond the noise of the cars, the disturbance of the flies, and the heat of the sun", I told my self.

Later on, I began to notice that I am about to see the Egypt's face!

Always, we claim that we see Egypt; however, we have been looking only at its tail!


I may allege that I really saw Egypt!

In Egypt, I saw dogs swarming all over the roads!

I saw Egypt over-populated with people, over-crowded with cars, and fed-up with police…

In Egypt, if you take a deep breath, you may find out that the Egyptian Air is full of humiliation, shame, servility, agony, obsession, coercion, and enough!

I saw Egypt roads full of pockets and holes -matabbat ya3ni-.

I saw Egypt chock-full with graveyards and undertakers, Egyptians' minds and hearts are full of the dead, It is possible that Egy-Thinkers are fond of the Past.

Surprisingly, at times, I saw Egypt very polluted and populated… other times, I found it empty, exactly as egyptians' souls, minds, and hearts!

Along the roads, you may discover that Egypt is teeming with mechanics, jammed with scavengers, and crammed with beggars!

Don't try to fix it out! Egypt is nothing but some bridges, and somethings beside it!

Egypt is a big school, so don't be astonished if you meet hundreds and hundreds of children, doing nothing in the streets, instead of being in their classes!

,We may disagree
:I'm sure that

I sAw Egypt

,We may not reach a consensus
:I'm also sure that

[ They SAWed eGyPt ]

هناك ٣ تعليقات:

عمرو طموح يقول...

ok , that's a great thing to do mister genius...!

anywaz, concerning what u said abt what u saw, i think if i were u, i would've seen a loooooooooot more than that...

let me tell u y?!

well, when u sort of agregate all these thins that u c , u end up with an outline drawing for the facts, but when u look at every detail , u'll end up with a very clear image of it...

what i'm trying to say is, something like the last thing u said abt Egypt being a big school, can u tell me why those students don't take their classes? or even if they do, y don't they benifit from it?

it's sort of a big puzzle that duplicates itself every time u try to mke sense of it... so it becomes even harder...

just one last remark, what's the idea of saying (I saw Egypt, they saw eGyPt)? i mean u must've meant something by these capital letters right? is it that u - think that u - saw the rght picture, while "they " saw another distorted one???

plz clarify...

n keep it up...

محمود سعيد يقول...

أنجليزى ده يا مرسى

طيب ليه كده ده حتى النبى عربى

بس يلا تصدق هى ديه مصر
أنا شوفتها فى وراء الشمس

بس مش التعذيب
لأ الناس اللى طالعين فى الحوارى والشوارع والغلابة


عمرو طموح يقول...


know i understand, took me a while though to read it right...:)

it's (they sawed egypt)...

well now it makes sense...

but still u must clarify what u mean by these capital letters MisTer GenIuS