[ إضاءات ]

"من علمني حرفا... صرت به حرا" أستاذي سيف الدين .....| | | | |..... "هناك فرق بين أن تكون عالما، وأن تكون إنسانا" كولن .....| | | | |..... "إن الدعاة اليوم لا يفتقرون إلي الإخلاص... وإنما في كثير من الأحيان إلي الحكمة" أستاذتي هبة .....| | | | |..... "الاجتهاد مبدأ الحركة في الإسلام" محمد إقبال .....| | | | |..... "الطاقة الإبداعية بحد ذاتها مطلب شرعي ومقصد إيماني‏" فالإبداع "صنو الاجتهاد، ورديف له، من الصعب أن ينفك أي منهما عن الآخر" طه جابر العلواني .....| | | | |..... "ولا تزال الدنيا عامرة وديار المسلمين في سلام ما أخبتت النفوس وهبطت ساجدة تردد: "رب زدني علما" محمد أحمد الراشد .....| | | | |..... السياسة ما كان من الأفعال بحيث يكون الناس به أقرب إلى الصلاح وأبعد عن الفساد، وإن لم يشرعه الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- ولا نزل به وحي، فإن أردت بقولك: لا سياسة إلا ما وافق الشرع: أي لم يخالف ما نطق به الشرع فصحيح، وإن أردت ما نطق به الشرع فغلط وتغليط للصحابة" الإمام ابن عقيل الحنبلي .....| | | | |..... "طلب الحرية مقدم علي تطبيق الشريعة... تقديم ترتيب، لا تقديم تفضيل" فهمي هويدي .....| | | | |..... "الإنسان المعاصر إنسان ذو بعد واحد، فاقد الهوية، وصاحب نزعة استهلاكية، وقليل الحساسية تجاه الغير، ويعاني عزلة وضياعا، وهو أسير المرحلة الراهنة، والسرعة الفائقة، والوقائع السريعة الكفيلة بأن تُنسيه ما قبلها، وتتركه يتحفّز لما بعدها" مدرسة فرانكفورت .....| | | | |.....

الثلاثاء، صفر ٢٣، ١٤٢٨

In Egypt!


Letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, lines, colors,…etc.


Because I c, I feel, I love, I suffer, I want to talk, I have to talk, I need to talk; if man ever saw evil or a devil, trying to rob him of his beloved country, he must take a stance… this ia a humble trial to take one!

[Management of Corruption]

In any country, there may be corruption of management. In Egypt, we present our people the management of corruption: that discipline that tells corruptionists how to practice corruption efficiently, effectively, securely, & secretly to achieve their goals, at a zero expense.

[Human Rights of Humiliation]

In X country, torture & humiliation of Human Rights could be found, yet accidentally, unforgettably, & unforgivably. In Egypt, the authority does its best; to make sure that those who humiliate others’ Rights can satisfy themselves, and exercise their Rightof violating & humiliating others.

[Investment: A Brand-New Concept]

In A country, it’s true that the government encourages & supports investment. In Egypt, the government shall not get worried about such stuff; let me tell U about investment here in Egypt.
Simply & easily: it lets businessmen work hard, struggle, make money, then at A glance it deprives them of all what they have gained and achieved with great suffer, with uncountable pains, with strenuous efforts, with much ado, with hard work; -why?- as they are been accused of washing their money, with “Persil®”.
Yeah! The government did tell them that they have to be “clean”, however, it also does encourage our national industry. Guess what? They should have done so with “Rabso®”!

[Our Honorable Constitution]

In Y country, it’s expected that there is an “HonorableConstitution, either written or else. In Egypt, “they” invented with the full glory of shame: the “Horrible” (Constitution of) persecution.

[U R Totally Free 2B A …]

In some countries, some people believe in Liberty, and exercise it somehow. In Egypt, our despotic dummy “grants” our people full, unbelievable, & irrefutable “Freedom”: every Egyptian is totally free to choose upon his own and complete will the choice that really suits him/ her:
Either to be arrested/ self-exiled/ murdered/ buried alive, or to live as a donkey, and then has to do what “it” is told to do
Bravo! this is what U can call democracy man!


In Z country, writing such a thing without fearing any single thing is possible. In Egypt, one can be charged and jailed tomorrow for disrespecting “Egypt”!
As if Egypt’s esteem and their dignity -assuming they do have so- have become close or identical
As if they admit that they are responsible
As if they confess that what they did have tarnished Egypt dignity
As if they –unconsciously- found themselves guilty for what happened, as they know well what they have done…
As if Egypt’s dignity had become pitiful to this extend!

Oh! There are knocks on the door…

هناك تعليق واحد:

عمرو طموح يقول...


But u talked abt countries...

what's the definition of a country? and who said that Egypt is a country???

no sir, there are countries around the world , and , on the other hand, there's a place called Egypt that is still waiting to be categorized.

God Bless Egypt... God help Egyptians.