[ إضاءات ]

"من علمني حرفا... صرت به حرا" أستاذي سيف الدين .....| | | | |..... "هناك فرق بين أن تكون عالما، وأن تكون إنسانا" كولن .....| | | | |..... "إن الدعاة اليوم لا يفتقرون إلي الإخلاص... وإنما في كثير من الأحيان إلي الحكمة" أستاذتي هبة .....| | | | |..... "الاجتهاد مبدأ الحركة في الإسلام" محمد إقبال .....| | | | |..... "الطاقة الإبداعية بحد ذاتها مطلب شرعي ومقصد إيماني‏" فالإبداع "صنو الاجتهاد، ورديف له، من الصعب أن ينفك أي منهما عن الآخر" طه جابر العلواني .....| | | | |..... "ولا تزال الدنيا عامرة وديار المسلمين في سلام ما أخبتت النفوس وهبطت ساجدة تردد: "رب زدني علما" محمد أحمد الراشد .....| | | | |..... السياسة ما كان من الأفعال بحيث يكون الناس به أقرب إلى الصلاح وأبعد عن الفساد، وإن لم يشرعه الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- ولا نزل به وحي، فإن أردت بقولك: لا سياسة إلا ما وافق الشرع: أي لم يخالف ما نطق به الشرع فصحيح، وإن أردت ما نطق به الشرع فغلط وتغليط للصحابة" الإمام ابن عقيل الحنبلي .....| | | | |..... "طلب الحرية مقدم علي تطبيق الشريعة... تقديم ترتيب، لا تقديم تفضيل" فهمي هويدي .....| | | | |..... "الإنسان المعاصر إنسان ذو بعد واحد، فاقد الهوية، وصاحب نزعة استهلاكية، وقليل الحساسية تجاه الغير، ويعاني عزلة وضياعا، وهو أسير المرحلة الراهنة، والسرعة الفائقة، والوقائع السريعة الكفيلة بأن تُنسيه ما قبلها، وتتركه يتحفّز لما بعدها" مدرسة فرانكفورت .....| | | | |.....

السبت، جمادى الأولى ١٦، ١٤٢٨

Does it realy take a moment... to change?

Sometimes, I get this feeling... I'm so close to change... so close to starting the journey... I see the path... right beneath my feet... but, still... don't know why I'm not walking... am I realy standing still???

I have a question though,

there was this guy... that was trying to climb a mountain... every time he tried... he fell to the ground... untill this one time... he fell... but while falling... he SAW... he saw the part... he never saw before... and he grabbed on hard... so he didn't fall all the way down... but he's hurt... cuz he fell... he still doesn't know how to overcome this sharp edge... but at least he knows it's there... should he be happy for the step forward - relatively speaknig to how he used to be -? or should he be sad for his fall?

Anywaz, here's a song I ran into... think it kinda answers the question...so neet ... so inspiring.. so hopeul .. but... Does it realy take a moment to change????????


In a moment, everything can change,

Feel the wind on your shoulder,

For a minute, all the world can wait,

Let go of your yesterday.

Can you hear it calling?

Can you feel it in your soul?

Can you trust this longing?

And take control,


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine,

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,

And start to try,

cause it's your time,

Time to fly.

All your worries, leave them somewhere else,

Find a dream you can follow,

Reach for something, when there's nothing left,

And the world's feeling hollow.

Can you hear it calling?

Can you feel it in your soul?

Can you trust this longing?

And take control,


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine,

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,

And start to try,

cause it's your time,

Time to fly.

And when you're down and feel alone,

Just want to run away,

Trust yourself and don't give up,

You know you better than anyone else,

In a moment, everything can change,

Feel the wind on your shoulder,

For a minute, all the world can wait,

Let go of yesterday,


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine,

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,

And start to try,


Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,

And start to try,

cause it's your time,

Time to fly.

In a moment, everything can change.


هناك تعليقان (٢):

عبدو بن خلدون يقول...

4 me,

I guess that the decision of making any change takes no more than a moment, however, this doesn't mean that change is not a long & comprehensive process, it shows that one can "decide" to be a new one just in moment, yet, he may need many years to "be" the one he used to dream about!

خالد أبوالفضل يقول...

ازيك يا حاج عمرو
أنا مش جاي أعلق
أنا جاي أدبسك في تاج
هتلاقيه علي مدونتي علي الرابط ده
نرجو الرد عليه